Apo Lipoprotein A1 and High Density Lipoprotein As Risk Marker Among Myocardial Infarction Patients in General Hospital in Kerbala City
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Objectives: All regions of the world has ability to cause presumed disease load from ischemic heart disease and can expect fundamental raise in together morbidity and mortality rates , it is expecting that jointly morbidity and mortality rates from ischemic heart disease will multiple through 1990 and 2020. This study was designed to estimate some biochemical marker, Apo lipoprotein A1, high density lipoprotein among patients with Acute myocardial infarction compared to healthy control. Methods: A case control study was conducted in Al-Husain general hospital in Karbala city, it included forty four cases with recent myocardial infarction and similarity number of age and sex matched healthy controls. The healthy controls group were chosen from medical staff and relatives with no sign and symptoms of coronary heart disease. Results: The study shows a highly significant decrease in the level of Apo lipoprotein A1 and high density lipoprotein cholesterol among acute myocardial infarction patients compared with healthy controls P. value(0.0001). Conclusion: The preserved association of ApoA1 with risk of AMI. As well as Low Apo A1 & HDL-cholesterol levels among MI cases compared with controls study was presenting.
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