Relationship between Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis with Locomotive Function Scale in Midlife Women

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Manar A. Y. Alqishawi
Raya H. Mhmood
Reem I. Mohammed


Background: Locomotive syndrome is a condition of reduced mobility due to the impairment of locomotive organs. Understanding the role of the locomotive syndrome’s underlying diseases, including osteoarthritis and osteoporosis within the frailty cycle in midlife women (a period of transition in women’s lives) is important for the future. Frailty cycle in midlife is described as an intermediate, reversible status between healthy aging and dependence. Frailty is defined as a clinical syndrome with a decreased reserve and
resistance to internal or external stressors. As a consequence, frail midlife women are at increased risk of incident disability and dependence. It is important to study the motor function of midlife women with osteoporosis and\or osteoarthritis and to use that knowledge to enhance their care, especially for women seeking help through the menopausal transition, and to provide a basis for organizing health care for these women based on their needs.
Methods: A specially designed questionnaire used to assess the motor function of 518 midlife women (40-65 years old). All of the participants completed a screening tool for Locomotive Syndrome called the Geriatric Locomotive Function Scale 9 (GLFS- 9) questionnaire and had been diagnosed by Rheumatologists with osteoporosis and/ or osteoarthritis. The participants were classified with a Geriatric Locomotive Function Scale 9 (GLFS9) more than 2 points into the Locomotive Syndrome grade I and II groups (versus the non-locomotive Syndrome (non-LS) group).
Results: The Locomotive Syndrome grade I and II groups had a greater proportion of patients with OA and\or OP than the non-LS group (76.1% vs 25.7%, respectively) (p-value 0.004). In the non-LS group (8.6%) were receiving nursing care versus respondents in both LS groups I and II (21.3%) (p-value 0.003) which is statistically highly significant. The mean mass index (BMI) for respondents with non-LS was 27.26, while for respondents with LSI the mean body mass index (BMI) was 26.89 and for LSII group the body mass index (BMI) was 31.6. Respondents in the LS I and II groups tended to be older than those in the non-LS group (p<0.002) there is an association between age and LS. The average age of those with LSI is 43.7 while the average age of those with LSII is 47.5. The vast


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How to Cite
Alqishawi, M. A. Y. ., Mhmood, R. H. ., & Mohammed, R. I. . (2023). Relationship between Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis with Locomotive Function Scale in Midlife Women. Scientific Journal of Medical Research, 7(26), 10–16.
Research Articles