Detection of Streptococcus pyogene from Clinical Isolates in Iraqi Community

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Alaa Q. Radi
Amer A. Hammadi
Abo Aalmaali H. M.


Background: The purpose of the current study is to isolate and identify Streptococcus pyogene from a patient, culturing bacteria, and diagnosis of S. pyogene infection by different methods.
Methods: From period October 2021 to end February 2022. The clinical samples were taken from 141 patients suffering from acute tonsillitis, pharyngitis, otitis media, acute fever, andurinary tract infection (UTI) patients from both sexes their ages 5–60 years old. A total of 102 samples showed bacterial growth in culture, and no growth was seen in other 39 samples from Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) unit in Marjan Teaching Hospital and Al- Sadiq Hospital in Hilla city, Babylon province, and Al- Hussiany Hospital, Kerbala province.
Results: It was found samples growth rate (73.34%) and no growth (27.66%), different types of samples, the swab sample common type of sample for isolate S. pyogenes were 84 sample with bacterial growth (59.57%), then Blood sample (8.51%) and sputum sample (2.12%), ear discharge (1.41%) and urine sample (0.70%) in an arrangement. All types of sample study by two methods direct methods involving culturing, microscope characters and VITEK 2 identification, most frequent bacterial isolated from throat swabs by directed
isolated methods S. aureus 40 isolate representative (47.61%), then S. pyogene 32 isolates (38.09%) and last S. pneumonia 5 isolate (5.95%), S. mitis 4 isolate (4.76%) and S. agalactiae 3 isolate (3.57%). When isolated by VITEK 2 S. aureus 32 isolate (38.09%), S. pyogenes
9 isolate (10.71%), S. sanguinis 8 isolate (9.52%), S. mitis, S. parasanguinis 7 isolate (8.33%), S. pneumonia, S. salivarius 6 isolate (7.14%), S. oralis 5 isolate (5.95%) and final S. agalactiae 4 isolate (4.76%). Blood by directed isolated methods 9 isolate representative
(75%), then S. pneumonia 2 isolate (5.95%), S. mitis 4 isolate (16.66%) and S. agalactiae 1 isolate (8.33%) and by VITEK 2 S. aureus 9 isolate representative (75%), S. pneumonia 3 isolate (25%) and there is no S. pyogenus.


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How to Cite
Radi, A. Q., Hammadi, A. A., & H. M., A. A. (2022). Detection of Streptococcus pyogene from Clinical Isolates in Iraqi Community. Scientific Journal of Medical Research, 6(23), 17–22.
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