Academic Failure And Student's Viewpoint:The Influence Of Individual, Internal And External Organizational Factors

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Noor Abdulrazzaq
Mustapha Kamal
Ashjan Muhsen
Ali Tareq
Riyadh Al Zubaidi
Ali Al Mousawi


Objective: This study was performed to investigate the factors affecting students’ academic Failure in University of Karbala collage of medicine. Methods: In this cross-sectional descriptive study, convenience sampling, 108 students of University of Karbala collage of medicine. In time period between (25/7/2016-1/8/2016) the students’ study information were collected by a valid and reliable questionnaire. The students had answered the questionnaire online. Data were analyzed with SPSS (20) software and excel software was used to gather descriptive statistics and run independent t-test, one-way ANOVA. Results: The most important factors affecting educational failure from students’ point of view were: 1- family effect: family member effect *(1.203 ± 0.119), separation from family *(1.154 ± 0.117) and friend’s effect factor (2.288±1.146), has minimal effect on the academic performance. 2-learner factor: Time Organization (3.691± 0.6786 ) ,interest in study has large effect (3.495±0.872 ) ,Attendance of lectures and scientific laboratories(3.065±1.0119 ), Futuristic goals stand in front of enthusiasm for the school(1.663±1.054). 3-lecturer factor : A-Exposure to stress(3.177± 1.053) ,Teaching methods used are in appropriate Subject given are very large (3.349±0.793), 4- learning environment :learn individually (2.850±1.097) , Learn in small groups lead to loss of time (2.345±1.229) most of student find that it's better to spend time as group learner than learning individually . The weakly exam make stressful environment for student (2.906±1.032). The influence of friends, cause decline in the academic level (2.364± 1.216) it depends on personal variation. 5-The complexity of the scientific material effect to (3.084± 1.001). Conclusion: Time management has large effect on their performance. Teaching methods used are not appropriate and very large. Lectures sequence leads to a lack of concentration and stress. Family separation has minimal negative effects. Most of student fined that it's better to spend time as group learner than learning individually.


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How to Cite
Abdulrazzaq, N., Kamal, M., Muhsen, A., Tareq, A., Zubaidi, R. A., & Mousawi, A. A. (2017). Academic Failure And Student’s Viewpoint:The Influence Of Individual, Internal And External Organizational Factors. Scientific Journal of Medical Research, 1(01), 01–05.
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