P14 Gene Polymorphism in Iraqi Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients Infectious with Human Herpes Virus-6-B

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Worood N. Abd Al Hady
Shakir H. M. Al-Alwany


Background: There has been a lot of interest in the pathogenic functions of human herpes virus-6
(HHV-6) in acute leukemia. There have been conflicting findings in attempts to relate HHV-6
activation to the development of acute leukemia. Through a functional network, cMYC, P14ARF,
MDM2 and P53 are essential for cell viability
Objective: This study was designed to determine the percentage of Herpes virus-6-B(HHV-6B)
and P14 gene polymorphism in Patients Suffering from acute myeloid leukemia of a group of Iraqi
Patients and methods: 100 freshly whole blood were obtained from patients with acute myeloid
leukemia enrolled in this study; while control groups in current study included 100 freshly whole
blood. Viral and total DNA genomic extraction were done to detect the HHV-6-B by PCR technique
and P14 gene polymorphism by sequencing, respectively.
Results: The positive of viral genome extraction was found 42% (42 out of 100) of the specimens
have viral genome , wwhile 58% (58\100) specimens not contain viral genome. The rate of human
herpes virus -6 B infection according to the PCR was 28.6% (12 out of 42) while the negative result
was 71.4% (26 out of 42). the findings demonstrated that the GA, CT, AT, and AG genotypes P14
rs3731249 polymorphism was present in 53.1% (17 out of 32 cases), 21.9% (7 out of 32 cases),
15.6% (5 out of 45 cases), and 9.3% (3 out of 32 cases) of AML patient group, respectively 60% (3
out of 5) and 40% (2 out of 5), respectively, in control group, and 60% (3 out of 5) and 40% (2 out
of 5), respectively, in the experimental group.
Conclusion: In view of the relatively small numbers included in our study, the present results indicate
the possibility that HHV-6 B as well as P14 rs3731249 may play a role in the tumor biology of the
examined subset of acute myeloid leukemia and may contributed to their development.


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How to Cite
Abd Al Hady, W. N. ., & Al-Alwany, S. H. M. . (2023). P14 Gene Polymorphism in Iraqi Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients Infectious with Human Herpes Virus-6-B. Scientific Journal of Medical Research, 7(25), 25–29. Retrieved from https://sjomr.org.in/index.php/SJOMR/article/view/248
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