The Beta-Thalassemia

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Wafaa F. Al-Mosawy


The thalassemias are hereditary anemias caused by mutations that affect the synthesis of the
globin, the protein component of the hemoglobin. Thalassemias produce massive public health
problems in many parts of the world. Thalassemias are classified according to which particular
globin chain produced in a reduced amount, which may lead to an imbalance in globin chains
synthesis, ineffective erythropoiesis, hemolysis, and eventually to a variable degree of anemia.
The main types of thalassemias are the ?, ?, ??, ?, and ??. The ??and ?-thalassemias are the
most common classes, and ?-thalassemia is the most important and widely spread type which
causes severe anemia in the homozygous and compound heterozygous states. Thalassemias
are clinically classified according to their severity into thalassemia major requiring a regular
blood transfusion throughout life, thalassemia intermedia characterized by anemia but not of
such severity as to require regular blood transfusion, and thalassemia minor or trait which is
the symptomless carrier state. The severity of the clinical syndrome of ?-thalassemia depends
on the type of mutation in the ? gene. Blood transfusions are gradually introduced by physician
to suppress thalassemia manifestation. However regular blood transfusion inevitably leads to
iron overload. Evidences of marked iron deposition in the liver, heart, pancreas, thyroid,
parathyroid, adrenal, renal medulla, bone marrow, and spleen are commonly reported. This
parenchymal iron loading is the major cause of morbidity and mortality in the severe ?-
thalassemias. The normal adolescent growth spurt fails to occur, and hepatic, endocrine, and
cardiac complications producing a variety of clinical problems including diabetes,
hypoparathyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, and liver failure will take place. Diagnosis of
thalassemia is based on hematologic and molecular genetic testing. In the last decades, several
programs, aimed at controlling the birth rate of thalassemia newborns by screening and
prenatal diagnosis of populations with high risk of ?- thalassemia, have been successful
accomplished. Bone marrow transplantation has offered a definitive cure for the fraction of
patients with available donors and the introduction of the oral iron chelators deferasirox that
preferentially chelates hearth iron. More recently, major advances have being made in the
discovery of critical modifier genes, that regulate of HbF (fetal hemoglobin) and hemoglobin


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How to Cite
Al-Mosawy, W. F. (2017). The Beta-Thalassemia. Scientific Journal of Medical Research, 1(01), 24–30.
Review Article