Statistical Study About The Causes Of Caesarian Section Deliveries In Al-Hindia City
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Objectives: To identify the causes contributing to the cesarean section in
Al-Hindia city by collecting statistical data and finding the relationship
between the causes of caesarean section and some variables.
Methods: A statistical study was undertaken of the clinical records of
(1156 ) mother who delivered in Al-Hindia Teaching Hospital in Al-Hindia
City, Karbala, between January 2016 and December 2017. Some variables
related to mother and newborn body weight were studied to determine their
relationship with the causes of cesarean delivery to understand the possible
causes to increase the cesarean delivery rate, Data analysis was performed
using the spss software to extract duplicates, percentage, mean, standard
deviation and correlation coefficient.
Results: 84.5 % of mothers were (20-34) years old, 44.5% had a secondary
school, the majority 61.6% of the mothers were housewives. 34.4 % had 41
weeks of gestational age and 32.2% had no previous deliveries. the highest
percentage of cesarean section during the months of the year was in
October (126) 11%. The mean for the total of the cesarean section
frequencies was 96.33. One of the main causes of cesarean section is
dilation problems (194) 16.8% followed by fetal distress (185) 16% and
cephalopelvic disproportion. Maternal age, gestational age, parity and
newborn body weight have a high significance, while there is no significant
indication at p less than 0.05 of the level of education and occupation with the
causes of the cesarean section.
Conclusion: The study concluded that some women may require caesarean
section to avoid the risk normal birth. caesarean deliveries are increased
due to increased causes. Pregnant women should be encouraged to obtain
health care before and during pregnancy to reduce the risk of pregnancy
and childbirth.
Al-Hindia city by collecting statistical data and finding the relationship
between the causes of caesarean section and some variables.
Methods: A statistical study was undertaken of the clinical records of
(1156 ) mother who delivered in Al-Hindia Teaching Hospital in Al-Hindia
City, Karbala, between January 2016 and December 2017. Some variables
related to mother and newborn body weight were studied to determine their
relationship with the causes of cesarean delivery to understand the possible
causes to increase the cesarean delivery rate, Data analysis was performed
using the spss software to extract duplicates, percentage, mean, standard
deviation and correlation coefficient.
Results: 84.5 % of mothers were (20-34) years old, 44.5% had a secondary
school, the majority 61.6% of the mothers were housewives. 34.4 % had 41
weeks of gestational age and 32.2% had no previous deliveries. the highest
percentage of cesarean section during the months of the year was in
October (126) 11%. The mean for the total of the cesarean section
frequencies was 96.33. One of the main causes of cesarean section is
dilation problems (194) 16.8% followed by fetal distress (185) 16% and
cephalopelvic disproportion. Maternal age, gestational age, parity and
newborn body weight have a high significance, while there is no significant
indication at p less than 0.05 of the level of education and occupation with the
causes of the cesarean section.
Conclusion: The study concluded that some women may require caesarean
section to avoid the risk normal birth. caesarean deliveries are increased
due to increased causes. Pregnant women should be encouraged to obtain
health care before and during pregnancy to reduce the risk of pregnancy
and childbirth.
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How to Cite
Hassan, N. H. (2018). Statistical Study About The Causes Of Caesarian Section Deliveries
In Al-Hindia City. Scientific Journal of Medical Research, 2(07), 150–155.
Review Article