A Cross-sectional Study of the Effect of Sex, Age, Weight Index, Age of Disease and Onset of Disease in Patients with Psoriasis

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Raaed O. Musa
Hayder A. Abbood


Background: Psoriasis is a chronic immune-mediated illness with cutaneous and systemic manifestations. It had been documented the presence of a link between certain types of factors and the onset of psoriasis and its worsening.
Objective: The study were aimed to study effect of sex, age, weight index, age of psoriasis and onset of disease.
Methods: Thirty-one psoriatic patients. The patients were classified according to PSAI score to mild, moderate, and severe cases. The current study was designed as cross-sectional study. Out of 31 patients with psoriasis were involved. The time period for samples collection took about six months in an outpatient clinic, and the samples were examined in an external laboratory. All clinical details of patients were recorded according to prepared questionnaire. The patients were divided by physician into three groups according to their PASI score: mild (PASI < 10), moderate (PASI 10–29), and severe (PASI > 30). All psoriasis patients from both sex were eligible to be enrolled in the current study even they were under treatment. All age groups were enrolled. Patients have genetic disorders such as Down syndrome. Patients with other skin disorders were also excluded Steven Thompson equation was used to calculate the preferable sample size. The sample size was 31 patients.1
Results: About 32.25 % of patients had psoriatic lesions on all of the body sites. The mean age of psoriasis was higher in females and the initiation of the disease starts with younger age in females than in males. Inversely, severe cases were more frequent in males with
statistical significance. There was a significant difference in the mean of starting of Psoriasis according to severity of the disease. Additionally, there were no significant differences in age of Psoriasis according to severity. Regarding BMI, the current study’s results show that 51.6% of patients have normal BMI. The BMI mean of patients with moderate PSAI score was significantly different from mild and sever PSAI.


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How to Cite
Musa, R. O., & Abbood, H. A. (2022). A Cross-sectional Study of the Effect of Sex, Age, Weight Index, Age of Disease and Onset of Disease in Patients with Psoriasis. Scientific Journal of Medical Research, 6(23), 23–27. https://doi.org/10.37623/sjomr.v06i23.04
Research Articles